Artificial intelligence (AI) is a fascinating field of technology that is bringing about massive positive changes around the globe. The various innovations brought about through artificial intelligence have received positive responses from users whose lives have been improved. However, it is important to note that artificial intelligence has also been rejected due to its negative impact. One field that has been greatly impacted by artificial intelligence is the field of education. According to Gumport, the process of learning and teaching has been greatly changed since the introduction of technological innovations developed through the technology of artificial intelligence. For instance, many learning institutions today use computers in their daily learning and teaching activities. Accordingly, there have been psychological, sociological, and psychological effects emanating from the application of artificial intelligence in education. As a consequence various considerations have been taken along these lines to ease integration of artificial intelligence in learning. This essay analyses the use of artificial intelligence in education highlighting its psychological, sociological and cultural effects and considerations taken before its implementation.
Psychological Considerations and Sociological Effects
The use of artificial intelligence in education has been received with a lot of enthusiasm due to its positive impact on the process of learning. Tatnall and Jones opine that advancement in technology has motivated many schools to adopt and rely on technology in the course of learning. This has greatly enhanced the learning and teaching experience for both students and teachers. In addition, the need to stay ahead of other educational institutions has been reason enough for embracing this new style of learning and teaching. It is important to note that despite the favor and acceptance that artificial intelligence has received in many educational systems and communities, the reaction has not always been positive from all quarters. According to Hallinan, the use of artificial intelligence in education has been rejected in some places because of the fear of its impact on the learning process.
Artificial Intelligence Speeding up the Process of Learning
Artificial Intelligence in education is efficient in speeding up the process of how a person may or may not learn. One way by which AI has sped up learning is through the use of computers and internet search engines to acquire information. Tatnall and Jones affirm that the existence of books in electronic form has eliminated the need to search for information in manual books, a process that is time consuming and cumbersome. The ability of the internet to use key words to locate the specific information required by the student has further sped up the process of acquiring information.
Secondly, the development of online support programs for teachers has been useful in assisting them improve their teaching methods. This is another way through, which AI is being used to speed up learning. Chen explains that through such programs, teachers hold discussions, share ideas and ask questions. This enables them to receive advice from more experienced colleagues. As a consequence, many learning institutions have invested in the development of network forums as a measure of maximizing these online support programs.
Artificial Intelligence Replacing Conventional Methods of Education
The fear that conventional methods may be forgotten as a result of use of AI in education is a valid one. According to Gumport, some of the conventional methods of learning include teacher centered classrooms, chalk and talk methods, teachers as dispensers of education. These methods are being replaced by use of computers in classrooms. For instance, the online virtual platforms and use of teaching software have replaced teacher centered classrooms. Some people have claimed that computers are replacing teachers in class. The role of the teacher as a dispenser of education has been taken over by computers. The use of chalk and talk methods has also been replaced by computers. The development of electronic screens has eliminated the need to use chalk which has been replaced by devices called styluses. The electronic devices are better referred to as virtual blackboards. Bers and Noam assert that despite all these changes in teaching methods, what remains true is that artificial intelligence can never replace the role of the teacher.
Psychological Effects of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Use of AI in the learning process has psychological effects on both the learner and teacher. Railean observes that one psychological effect of AI is its ability to boost the confidence of the learner. For instance, the use of computers has boosted the confidence of students. Computers are not humans and thus they do not exhibit human behavior. This has been the main reason behind the boost in confidence for students. Unlike human beings, computers do not get bored or annoyed by the learners’ questions. As a consequence learners are able to ask questions repeatedly. Secondly, computers do not scorn learners’ mistakes further boosting confidence for learning. There are some instances where teachers scorn their learners for mistakes made during learning. This tends to lower the confidence of the learners. They become afraid to ask for clarifications or help whenever they do not understand a concept.
Artificial intelligence also enables students to easily get answers for their questions. This is one of the benefits of AI in education. However, having answers in education at the touch of a button or just by speaking can affect the psychological abilities of the minds of the learners since the mind will not be used as frequent as it should. Hallinan notes this will affect the learners’ social communication skills and mind stimulation. Further, it reduces the students’ rate of perseverance and ability to take up challenging tasks. The students lose their spirit of research since information is readily available. Tatnall and Jones observe this to be a common complaint in the teaching fraternity. Some teachers have claimed that the work brought before them is copy pasted directly from the internet. Many students refuse to put in any thoughts of their own while doing their work.
Sociological Effects of Artificial Intelligence in Education
The use of artificial intelligence in education has had sociological effects. Chen notes that use of computers in schools has dehumanized the learning process as it has reduced the interaction between teachers and students. It is common for students to turn to the internet for information rather than consult their teachers. Further, the use of computer learning systems has to a large extent deprived the learning process positive human qualities provided by teachers. This is mostly present in distance learning programs.
The relationship between parents and their children has also been greatly affected by the use of artificial intelligence in learning. Before the advancement in technology, it was common practices for parents to assist their children in doing their homework. According to Gumport, this was a bonding session for parents and their children. However, the situation is no longer the same. Today, parents tell their children to ‘google it’. The bonding homework session is no longer there. This can perhaps explain the current difficult relationship between children and their parents.
Psychological Considerations to Make Before Introducing AI in Education
The use of technology in any capacity apart from learning and teaching can make those involved to become anxious. What brings about this anxiety is the complexity of the technology. As a consequence, it is essential that psychological considerations be taken before implementation artificial intelligence in education. According to some of the considerations to be taken are as below.
One psychological consideration to make is users’ reaction to the new methods of education. Before deciding to integrate AI in the learning and teaching process, it is critical that management consider the reaction this will have on the users of this new form of education. This will include the reaction of the students and teachers and other stakeholders of the institution as a whole.
Another psychological consideration is self-efficacy of the users. This refers to the users’ ability to successfully use the new method of education. This is significant since users who feel competent in the use of the new education system through use of artificial intelligence are less likely to feel anxious. On the other hand, those who are less competent will be become psychologically affected as a result of anxiety.
The Technology in its Cultural Context, Media Influence
Chen opines there have been changes in culture as a result of use of technology in education. The influence of the media has further increased these changes. Some of the changes are positive while others are negative in nature. One positive result of use of AI in education is its ability to bring together different cultures. This is possible because it improves the communication process as a consequence students from one part of the world are able to interact with other students in another part. As a consequence, they are able to learn about each other’s culture leading to culture enrichment.
The negative changes in culture as a result of use of AI in education include users spending less time in outdoor activities. For example, some children would rather forego recess and instead stay in class using various AI software and mechanism that have captured their interests. They therefore miss the opportunity to interact with the other children and exchange cultural knowledge.
Innovations and Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Education
In America, the use of artificial intelligence in education has brought about innovations because of its advantages among learners everywhere. For instance, artificial intelligence has been used to develop software that provides students with a personalized learning experience. Apart from the advantage of making learning a personalized experience, this innovation adapts to students’ responses opening up learning processes. According to Bers and Noam, an example of such software is Ecolab that helps students develop their cognitive skills. Another innovation aiding learning as a result of AI is the versatile representation spaces. The benefit of this kind of software is it enables students to gain a different perspective on how they view certain educational concepts. For instance, students having trouble understanding mathematical concepts such as algebra can use this software to view the algebra visually. An example of such software is the MiGen project.
The use of AI innovations in education has had other advantages. It has made access to information easier. Hallinan asserts that the need to visit libraries and go through newspapers has been eliminated as the internet easily provides information. Secondly, the use of AI in education has helped to conservation of the environment. This is because it reduces publication and manufacture of books for reading and writing. Students can access information from electronic books and type their notes in their computers of tablets. Thirdly, it has helped to popularize the concept of distance learning. Through development of virtual classrooms, one can easily take up courses for various levels of education from teaching institutions in any part of the world.
Efficiency and Convenience of Artificial Intelligence in Education
The value of artificial in intelligence in education is highly valued because of its efficiency and convenience. The convenience of AI in education can be illustrated by the example of students with health problems and other complications who now have an opportunity to learn. This is through the use of software supporting online courses allowing them to take classes on the internet. This is also convenient for mothers with children to care for who are interested in getting an education. They are able to learn from the comfort of their homes while taking care of their children. Artificial intelligence has also made it convenient for students to maintain flexible learning schedules. Tatnall and Jones note that, this mostly applies to individuals pursuing education while working.
AI makes increases the efficiency of learning as it enables teachers to disperse information to their students faster. AI can also be said to be an efficient tools for provision of education as it makes it easy to assess the progress of students. Additionally, AI can be used in improving the delivery of instructions in the classrooms through use of visuals. As a consequence, the learning process is highly improved. The use of AI in education is also efficient as it has made the process of learning enjoyable consequently improving the abilities of learners to understand.
Cultural Considerations and Effects of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Throughout the above discussion, it is imperative that cultural considerations be taken. These considerations include customs and education, religion, language, values and norms. While developing AI to be used in the education, manufactures must pay close attention to the above considerations. Chen, the innovations and software developed should be able to accommodate the differences in culture. This is very critical for this new form of providing technology to be successful.
Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Despite the various successes experienced in use of AI in learning and teaching the process has not been smooth all through. It has been marred with a number of challenges that have reduced its efficiency. Bers and Noam highlight the following to be among some of the challenges affecting the use of AI in education.
Firstly, it is not easy to develop an AI that will be a mentor for every learner. This is especially applies for early education. It is not easy to design systems that will interact with learners in natural ways and act as mentors in the absence of the teachers.
There is also the challenge of insufficient professional development. New technologies are being introduced in schools. However, many teachers lack adequate professional skills for using this technology yet they are expected to integrate it in their teaching methods. In most cases this leads to the various mechanisms developed to become underutilized.
Thirdly, there is the challenge of existence of resistance to challenge. Many people tend to become comfortable with the status quo and consequently resist any attempt to bring about change. Many school administrations tend to reject introduction of technology in teaching and learning. They stick to the conventional methods of learning instead.
There is also the challenge of equity which has been brought up by the concept of bring your own device (BYOD). BYOD has caused a unique problem termed the digital divide. This problem mainly affects learners from under privileged backgrounds whereby they are unable to access the technological devices they need for their learning. This hampers the process of learning as teachers are challenged on how best to accommodate such students.
Fourthly, AI in education faces the challenge of changing mindsets. In this view, learners are unable to differentiate between learning from the devices and learning on the devices. The technological devices are meant to supplement the learning process. They should not become the teachers.
Finally, there is the challenge of funding. The startup cost for adapting some of the education techniques powered by artificial intelligence requires high initial cost. Many institutions are unable to raise these funds hence cannot incorporate technology in learning. Additionally, the cost of maintenance of the various technological devices is costly further hampering their use in provision of education.
Overcoming the Challenges of Artificial Intelligence in Education
It is imperative that proper and sound solutions be found for the above challenges in order to enhance education. Some of the ways of overcoming these challenges are highlighted in the bottom line.
Firstly, developers of the various AI techniques and devices should strive incorporate cognitive and emotional models that will allow knowledge representation and reasoning into the software. According to Railean this will enable the AI technology to provide mentorship to the students. Additionally, further research should be carried out on how best to improve the manufacture of the various devices.
Secondly, it is significant that institutions find provide training to its teachers. This will be essential in improving their professional skills and will make them appreciate the use of technology in teaching. This should be done in continuity. This will ensure that the institution remains at per despite the constant change in technology.
It is also important for learning institutions to overcome the resistance in change. This can be done by the institutions’ management consulting the stakeholders involved in the adaptation of the new teaching and learning methods brought about by artificial intelligence. It is also important that awareness on the benefits of the new methods be provided. This will also be useful in overcoming resistance.
Fourthly, the problem of changing mindsets in use of AI in education can be overcome by developers working closely with educators. This will enable them to develop devices that incorporate the educators’ point of view. This will enable students to focus on learning with the devices and not from the device.
Finally, the government should collaborate with schools in funding the AI projects needed to enhance education. Developers too should try to create AI technology that will require less maintenance so as to reduce the high maintenance cost.
In conclusion, artificial intelligence has led to the creation of a powerful learning environment. It has also proven to be a positive interactive experience for students. While AI becomes more integrated in the learning process, it is important to remember that it does not necessarily make the learning process faster. But it cannot be denied that it enhances the process and make it simpler. Despite all the new innovations in education, it is significant that the role of the teacher in education be preserved. It should not be replaced by technology as this will dehumanize the learning process. As scholars praise the benefits that this new technological concept brings to education, it is also critical that the challenges be highlighted as well. This will provide avenues for further research which will further enhance artificial intelligence improving education. The effects of use of artificial intelligence should also be considered whenever the topic is brought up for education. AI has psychological, sociological and cultural effects on all those involved in the process of its application. It is imperative that developers of the various artificial intelligence platforms used in educating students evaluate the negative effects and seek proper means of overcoming them.