Political essay

The Challenge of Democracy Book Report

The book “Challenge of Democracy” by Janda Kenneth et al. contains a range of charts that visualize the challenge of democracy in the United States. This paper will discuss some of the charts. The report will include descriptions of the ...


Measuring ideology is an essential exercise in any research process. In the normal scenario, ideologies can be measured using either survey or non-survey processes. This paper focuses on the advantages of utilizing the non-survey process to measure ...

John Lock and Liberalism

In justifying the natural character of individual freedom (including ideological and religious spheres), Lock as the main guarantee of the independence of the individual calls the possession of a property. He was not the first one who spoke about ...

Political Analysis

The political reality is a substance, the “flesh” of politics It is formed by the activity of people connected with the realization of the imperious interests and a goal-setting. In the course of the activity of individuals, groups, ...

Political Violence: Terrorism

What are some of the characteristics that distinguish religious terrorism from secular terrorism? Characterizing terrorism, one should accept the fact that that there are its different kinds with religious terrorism being one of the strongest in ...

Third World Success

Introduction Governance systems play a very significant role towards uplifting the economy of a country through the level of economic growth and social development programs initiated towards assisting the citizens. The political organization of any ...

U.S. Homeland Security

Engels once said that every great historical disaster leads to great historical progress Tragic events of September 11, 2001, during which thousands of people were killed, made the Americans radically rethink not only their conceptions of the ...

Political essay