Free Plagiarism Report

For those who do not know what plagiarism is, it is the practice of using another person’s work – which may be an idea, a written piece, a conversation, or a song – without acknowledging the rightful source. It may involve summarizing, paraphrasing, or selecting words, sentences or phrases from someone else’s work.

It is necessary to acknowledge the sources of information you borrow for a text, usually using a recognized style of citation. Citation shows readers that some of your text is not really your own original words or work. This is important in case they find the original text elsewhere. Moreover, citation lends credibility to the information or arguments in a paper. Failure to properly cite, quote or acknowledge the ideas or work of another person is known as plagiarism.


Our Guarantee on Plagiarism

Our company promises to provide original work to every customer. We do all plagiarism testing from our base. Our company operates by an honest policy of providing original and high-value texts. We fully understand the academic requirements of the orders placed with us and we complete every paper to an intellectual standard so that our customers end up with content that is verified and protected. The whole concept of plagiarism revolves around the authenticity of a text. Every minute of the day, millions of people work hard to produce and safeguard the uniqueness of their content. However, this task is not easy. At, we put a lot of effort into optimizing our content, to which end we apply a lot of dedication and use a number of authoritative software tools.

What Offers

As well as correctly citing any sources we borrow from various works, we make sure all the content we provide adheres to the language and syntax rules of the English language. This includes:

  • Checking and correcting grammar
  • Checking and removing spelling errors
  • Checking punctuation
  • Enhancing the wording in texts
  • Checking the structure of sentences
  • Checking the organization and style of documents.

Other Services

  • Explaining errors and providing tips on improvements/corrections
  • Content optimization and making recommendations regarding synonyms and word choices
  • Checking citations and helping prevent plagiarism.

Our Simple Tips for Avoiding Plagiarism

  • Plan your written work before writing actually commences

This plan is really the foundation of what you intend to write. Here, you should try to identify informational sources to support your paper’s topic. This helps raise awareness about which points or ideas you will be borrowing from other works and where you plan on placing them in your text. Having a plan like this to hand will help you balance your own original work with any work you borrow from other sources. Usually, advance planning will help you establish boundaries and clarify your thinking.

  • Make effective and clear notes about your topic

If you want to be well prepared, make sure you have a plentiful supply of comprehensive and well-consolidated notes about the sources you intend to use before you begin writing. This guarantees you will have sufficient topic information from the outset. Make a note of web addresses and page numbers against your research material to avoid mix-ups and confusion later.

  • Include citations in cases where you are unsure

In the event you are not certain if an idea in your paper is your original work or that of someone else, cite it to be on the safe side. This demonstrates that you:

You did not just copy the work of another person but processed and engineered it to improve your own work.

You were sufficiently courageous to strengthen and support your own ideas by taking a helping hand from someone else.

You are prepared to acknowledge the work of other people and that the work you borrowed helps make a distinction between your own ideas and the ideas of others.

  • Paraphrase borrowed text in a clear way

Paraphrasing involves the editing of another person’s work or ideas insofar as the writer changes some of the original words, modifies the structure of sentences, and/or makes enhancements to a text without altering the original meaning. Effective paraphrasing improves the flow of a text and seamlessly incorporates original sources so that there is no disruption for the reader.

  • Evaluating research source materials

All sources should be carefully vetted before these are cited in a paper. Make sure each source is accurate, credible, and relevant to your topic.